Archive for December, 2008

Inauguration Video of UP-Ayala Land TechnoHUb

The TechnoHUb is home to AyalaTBI’s new technology business incubator, where twelve tech startups now hold office.

The TechnoHUb is expected to set the standard for all future S & T parks in the country and to be on a par with the leading research universities abroad, such as the Tsukuba Science City at University of Tsukuba; the Singapore Science Park at the National University of Singapore; Haidan Science Park at the University of Beijing; Silicon Valley at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California; and Route 128 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

December 11, 2008 at 2:48 am Leave a comment

A .tiff is worth a thousand text: AyalaTBI gets spanking new logos

The past couple of weeks we eagerly anticipated the new logos for Kape + Teknolohiya and TechBootCamp, two of our main projects at AyalaTBI.

This upgrade in our look symbolizes the new developments and challenges we face at AyalaTBI as we raise the bar in our programs to contribute to raising our global competitiveness in a big way.

Our flagship project, the TechBootCamp, promises to be more ambitious as it improves it scalability and replicability in order to create more jobs for skilled and talented Filipinos and ensure brain gain.

We are improving on our technology forums by progressing into more pressing issues our country faces, such as renewable energy and biodiversity, because we believe in the role of science and technology in national development.

We have three additional incubators in Luzon and the Visayas, and soon, we will expand our base of operations to the TechnoHub-AyalaTBI inside UP-Ayala Land TechnoHub, which is envisioned to be on a par with the leading S&T parks all over the world.


You may have seen it while driving down Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City. This additional station will serve as the gateway to AyalaTBI’s broader network of incubators. 

Finally, even our communication materials have gotten a facelift.

With all these new and exciting things happening at AyalaTBI, we saw it fit to mark the times with a spanking new look.

The new look of AyalaTBI represents characteristics that we value both in a company and in technology—straightforward, innovative and agile. A simple graphic that is immediately recognizable, iconic of the technology landscape we move in, becomes necessary in the logo designs.

Our people and our partners are some of the brightest, most open-minded individuals in the field of technology entrepreneurship. We want the new logos to capture their in-depth knowledge, the clarity of their expertise, and their quiet intensity for their advocacies. Hence, clean lines and stark simplicity mark the design.

Most importantly, we want the logos to show a bit of sense of humor. Because, hey, innovation is about breaking new ground and the work is an uphill climb—we can all use a good dose of it, right?

We have been lucky to find a group of design mavericks from Ideals Creatives (thanks Dan, Marielle, and Rhea!) who believed in what we do and who were up to the task of creating a new look that will embody all these! It has been great learning experience working with them.

So, finally, here are the two new logos:


Kape + Teknolohiya


December 8, 2008 at 5:58 am Leave a comment

December 2008
